“Unlock greater potential and solutions with AccuraHealth – now offering our business consulting services to you!”

Let me tell you a little more about AccuraHealth.  AccuraHealth is a business consulting company which provides advice and services designed to assist business across all areas of health to achieve a foundation which is systematic and responsive to change. 

What does that mean? 

At AccuraHealth we work with all specialisations of health.  We help people and organisations with a range of solutions to confidently improve business efficiency, compliance with regulations and quality standards, enhance clinical practices leading to better patient care, and a strengthened and sustainable workforce through effective recruitment and tailored training programs. Additionally, when you work with us, you are working with a fun and easy-going team whom are driven to oversee project management methodologies, saving time and resources while achieving desired goals and outcomes.

Interestingly, Accura is derived from the Latin ‘acu’ meaning ‘done with precision’ and we are proud to say this is a key value of the AccuraHealth team.  Unlike many, we love detail and data. We are compliance nerds that genuinely get joy out of helping people, build successful management systems and a contemporary workforce in the constantly evolving health sector. 

What do we do?

AccuraHealth supports businesses at all levels.  We work with clients on the many aspects that impact clinical practice including:

  • We can support those that are stuck in the labyrinth of legislation, risk mitigation and quality compliance. We can manage this at a governance level or interpret into tangible processes for staff
  • Act as intermediary liaising with health legislators and regulators in establishment phase and transition away when fully versed in minimum requirements 
  • Establishing clinical governance advisory boards, management including minute taking and action planning and can even supply the members!
  • Implementation of International Standards including ISO9001 and NSQHS
  • Workforce definition and scope of practice – its important to define the pipeline for staff and clearly articulate boundaries and escalation
  • Recruitment and importantly, retention
  • Staff development, credentialing and training. Including framework development to meet compliance needs, investing back in staff to build culture or implement change, implementing training that mitigates risk, creation and / or delivery of professional soft skills, building leadership capacity or more tangible clinical competency to enable business growth or upskill staff
  • Project management – small or large, managing the project through to delivery and evaluation
  • Helping your team create something novel whilst ensuring quality care and solutions for the community. Sometimes the best ideas come from outside the box and you need help to bring it to life

Why us?

Simple – Our success is achieved by getting YOU to where you want to be..

We are easy-going, driven and curious minds building solutions tailored to your workplace and business. AccuraHealth likes to do the work that ‘drives people up the wall’ and this can save money, time, resources, and a few grey hairs!  We are flexible in our ways of working and relationships with clients. 

Why do anything at all?

As a business owner there are so many things to juggle and learn.  It’s almost impossible to be a master of it all.  Many clients feel they are drowning in never-ending compliance, legislation and quality standards that they struggle to navigate.  We work collaboratively to understand the intricacies of the work environment, in which each is unique, and how it intersects with these requirements. 

We know things are tough out there and people often feel they are wasting time trying to interpret legislation, create policies and processes, and recruit and train highly skilled staff. Don’t get us wrong, its key to understand all these things however sometimes you need an outsider perspective to help unpack it, provide valuable inputs and to get it done. 

Getting it wrong can lead to poor business outcomes, reputation damage, penalties, or loss of license. Let alone the very real potential to negatively impact patient care and community they serve. 

With this in mind, we have the ability to consult, deliver and govern. Working alongside you for the journey, or on a short term defined project providing audit, analysis and advice. Or as flexible ongoing support to cover various aspects of project or solutions implementation.

What now?

Connect with us and see if we are a good fit for you. 

Contact us via our website or our new LinkedIn company page! https://www.linkedin.com/company/accurahealthsolutions

We like to break down the jargon into something tangible. We are curious, professional, and don’t take ourselves too seriously. 

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Welcome to AccuraHealth

An easy going team supporting business within the health sector such as aged care, disability, community, in-hospital, pre-hospital, first aid services, pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, wellness centers, cosmetic, mental health, drug and alcohol facilities, or even veterinary services, we can help you and your team confidently navigate the compliance world – analyse, innovate and implement.

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